Put Your Cell Phone To Use On Vacation
Just about everyone today has a cell phone. And when on vacation many of us wish we did not have to take it along. But it can be a useful tool that you may not think of using. Whether its the note taking tool that most phones have, text messaging, or the camera, your phone can be helpful in remember little things. Here is a short list of things that you may want to keep using your phone while on vacation. Use it to remember your parking spot at the airport. Keep your confirmation numbers on hand. Store the address of your hotel. Keep important numbers such as hotel and taxi. Take a picture of your luggage in case lost. This is a short list of many uses that your cell phone has that people don't think of using it for when traveling. There has been a couple of occasions when we have been traveling in the past where we could not find confirmation numbers and had to make phone calls to get what we need. Using the phone as a simple message keeping tool has removed the need to spe...