
Showing posts from October, 2008

Put Your Cell Phone To Use On Vacation

Just about everyone today has a cell phone. And when on vacation many of us wish we did not have to take it along. But it can be a useful tool that you may not think of using. Whether its the note taking tool that most phones have, text messaging, or the camera, your phone can be helpful in remember little things. Here is a short list of things that you may want to keep using your phone while on vacation. Use it to remember your parking spot at the airport. Keep your confirmation numbers on hand. Store the address of your hotel. Keep important numbers such as hotel and taxi. Take a picture of your luggage in case lost. This is a short list of many uses that your cell phone has that people don't think of using it for when traveling. There has been a couple of occasions when we have been traveling in the past where we could not find confirmation numbers and had to make phone calls to get what we need. Using the phone as a simple message keeping tool has removed the need to spe...

Will The Economy Keep You Close To Home

The Holiday season is closing in fast. Halloween is just a week away and Christmas items have been creeping onto store shelves for over a month now. With Thanksgiving just a month away, the travel industry is wondering if people will be on the planes and in hotels. The economy scare is causing many to rethink those holiday travel plans. Staying home is looking like a good option to many. While gas is still higher than it has been in years past, it has been dropping and and driving may look like a better option for families. Thanksgiving is traditionally the busiest travel time of year and while it will probably still be very busy this year, its looking like it will not be historically busy. If you do plan on traveling this coming holiday season, this is a good time to look for deals.

Were The Airlines A Precursor To The Current Economic Crises?

It sure looks like the health of the airline industry was an indicator of what was to come. But was it? While I think that the airline industries problems are not helping things right now its hard to think that they are the cause of the current global problems going on. This problem has been coming on for a while now, and many economy experts were predicting it for quite some time. One thing you can bank on (pun intended) is that what is happening on Wall Street is not making things any easier for the airline industry. Watching Jim Cramer or any of the other "experts' can be a scary thing to do right now. Only thing worse than that is to open up a 401k statement. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The question, which we all want to know the answer to is just how long is that tunnel? Is it days, months or even years. My hope is that this economic problem is short lived so we can move on. I want to talk about vacations and the fun of going on them, not the...

What "Bundle" Did The Passenger Next To You Get?

Most of us are familiar with bundled packages when it comes to cable, Internet , and phone companies. Well the a la carte era of the airline world can be thought of this way now. MSNBC has an article on how American Airlines is leading the way into the bundled future of the airline industry. The thing is that this is not new. Air Canada has been running this way for a few years now and it was only a matter of time before the airlines in the U.S. followed. A la carte or bundled or whatever fancy new name they come up with, paying for everything is here and it is here to stay. In fact, its just begun. For some passengers, this will not be so bad, because they will only be charged for what they use. But for most passengers, it is going to nickel and dime them for a while. Eventually, the average traveler will learn to adjust but the airlines are seeing dollar signs for at least the near future.

What Better Place For A Mob Museum Than Vegas

Slated to open in 2010, the museum will be on the site of the formal Federal Court House in Las Vegas. I can't think of a better location that the city built buy the mob. So far it looks like original artifacts will be donated by even the FBI. Even tho the opening is not for over a year, Vegas sees the possibility of upwards of over 800,000 visitors. Being downtown, it will be interesting to see if it will pull visitors away from the strip. If it can, it will a great feat. The choice for the theme of the museum came from polling tourists as they visited Vegas and won hands down over the other options. The goal is not to glorify the mob but to show how it influenced the birth and evolution of the city. When its done, it will be on my list of things to do for sure.