
Showing posts from October, 2012

Late Season Hurricane Sandy Wreaks Havoc

Most people don't think about October or November when it comes to hurricane season, but it does run that long.  Sandy is hitting the east coast and has already done damage by causing places to shut down. Wall Street was closed as a precautionary measure today and may remain closed tomorrow (10/30) as well.  If you have a facebook account, odds are someone you know has posted a picture from today.  While many of the pictures going around are photoshopped fakes, they probably are not far from the truth.  With that we hope everyone stays safe!

Whats More Important? Ship or Desination?

For the first time cruiser, destination is probably a bigger draw than the ship, but after a few cruises, does that change?  Well, it depends on the person!  For me, I like to experience different ships just as much as different places.  Especially when the ship is a class I have not been on before.  Finding the hidden areas on board can be just like a personal scavenger hunt.  Don't get me wrong, the destination is still a factor, but being we have visited every port on the west coast of Mexico, some places a few times, having a new ship to explore can make going back just as enticing as visiting a new place we have not been to yet.