Cruising for the Pet Lover

We just got a new puppy this week and it brought up an age old question. How does one cope when on vacation away from their pets. For many (read that as my wife) its can be difficult. Unlike some land vacations, cruising does not allow you to just bring your pets with you. If you plan ahead, there are some pet spa's that will pamper your four legged loved one sometimes better than you may receive while on your vacation. But before putting your dog or cat in just any kennel, you really should do some research. Check the Better Business Bureau web page and even ask for references. The time when you are away can be a traumatizing experience for pets if not handled correctly. Taking care of what may seem like the small things can make your vacation just that much better knowing that you will come home to a pet just as happy to see you as you are to see them.


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