How Much Planning Needed for a Vacation?
While everyone is different, I feel 99.999% of us put some planning into a vacation beyond what to pack but how much planning is enough? For my wife and I it comes down to a few factors with length and location being the most obvious. But what about others? Time of year, group size and age, lifestyle, and budget are all big as well. We are planning a 2013 trip to Ireland. Having been to England and Scotland in 2011 we have a good idea of length for us. Most guide books break it down by whats there to see and their attention span. Compared to them I put us in the speed category of vacationers but everyone is different (the way we like to vacation is why cruising is tops on our list). Adding to the planning phase for this trip is the size and varied ages ( 30s to 60s) of the group. This is where we need to give ample extra time to planning. Not everyone in our group will think less than 2 hours is enough time for a museum for example....