Cruise Stock - Is Now The Time To Buy

Stocks have rebounded some from the major lows they hit just a few years ago, but they are still down from their all time highs.  With the Costa accident that happened just a few months ago, it can be easy to assume that it has held the cruise industry back some from the rest of the stock market as well.  Companies like Carnival and Royal Caribbean have incentives for avid cruisers to hold stock which include on board credits of $50 or even $100 per cruise as long as you own 100 shares or more of their stock.  The amount does not go up if you own more and there are other stipulations, but if you cruise a lot, that on board credit could be a nice incentive.  But the question remains is it worth it?  100 shares of Carnival (which I do own shares of) would be around $3200.  Royal Caribbean as of today would be roughly $2800.  Its a lot of money but if someone cruises a lot (3 - 4 times a year or more) it could be worth it.


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